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Premature aging: Top 10 causes of premature aging and how to avoid them

Premature aging: Top 10 causes of premature aging and how to avoid them

Have you noticed wrinkles, fine lines around the eyes, dry skin and weight gain you just can’t seem to shake off no matter how hard you try? If you’re in your mid-forties and already showing these warning signs, you may very well be aging prematurely.

While aging is the natural process of getting older, there are a number of causes why some people age faster than others – and it’s not always biological. We look at the top ten causes of premature aging and how to avoid them.

1. Poor diet

Did you know that what you eat can affect how you age? A diet which is high in fat, sugar and processed foods will speed up your aging process. Foods such as white bread, cakes, pastries, biscuits, pizza, hot chips or fizzy cooldrinks cause havoc to your body. Besides making you feel heavy and lethargic, your body doesn’t process these foods properly which gradually adds to the aging process. 

What you can do:
Eating the right foods can definitely make a significant difference in how you look and feel. Start eating a more natural diet that consists of fresh fruit, veggies, whole grains, lean meat and fish.

Choose colourful fruits and veggies such as blueberries, strawberries, leafy greens, red tomatoes and carrots which are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants such as vitamin C, zinc and beta-carotene which are found in foods promote a younger looking skin, less wrinkles and improved vision.

Grapes and red wine contain resveratrol, a powerful anti-oxidant which can reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer and premature aging. 
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2. Excessive exposure to sun and cold

Basking in the sun’s rays all summer long is going to ravage your skin and age you. Wrinkles, age spots and discoloration of the skin occur as a direct result of the sun’s harmful UV rays.   Just like spending too much time in the sun can damage your skin, so can spending too much time in the cold. Being exposed to the cold frequently thins the skin and causes wrinkles.

What you can do:
Practice a sensible approach to the sun. Exposure to sunshine is good and helps to increase our levels of Vitamin D, a vitamin closely linked to many aspects of our health. Sunshine is therefore good for everyone!

However, going out in the summer sunshine in the middle of the day can be too much for your skin. Stay out of the sun in summer between 11 am and 2 pm, when the sun is at its strongest. When you do go out in strong sunshine, wear a hat and cover up, especially if you are fair skinned.

Start exposing yourself to sunlight slowly and gradually as summer approaches in order to build up melanin levels in the skin for a gradual tan. Don’t stay out in the sun for too long if you are not used to it. You will only burn and damage your skin! Drink lots of water to keep the skin hydrated and moisturise, moisturise, moisturise!

If you tend to spend lots of time in colder climates, wear protective gear and clothing to protect your skin. Keep your skin moisturised and supple to prevent dryness.
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3.  Being overweight or underweight

Lots of people pack on the pounds when they reach their forties, fifties and sixties. Perhaps you have a spare tyre around your mid-section which is of course synonymous with middle-aged spread. Extra weight on the body can age you and lead to more serious health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease or a stroke.

Being too thin is also not a good thing and can contribute to the aging process. While many people work hard at being thin, being too thin makes your skin sag and wrinkles appear more prominently, making your face look gaunt.

What you can do:
If you are struggling to lose weight gain, change your diet and start exercising regularly. However, you can still be active by going for long walks, joining a gym and doing gentle exercises such as swimming, pilates, yoga or dancing. Strive to maintain your ideal weight to stay looking healthier and younger.

We all need extra help from to time to time and losing weight is not easy as you get older. EcoSlim and Detox Drops are herbal remedies from the Feelgood Health range that can help to boost your metabolism, break down the fat and detox your body to help you on your weight loss journey.

For those who are too thin, eat more meals throughout the day, increase your calcium and magnesium intake and include exercise in your daily regimen. Strengthening exercises using gentle weights can build muscle mass and help to increase weight gain. 
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4. Drinking and smoking

Excessive drinking and smoking without a doubt leads to premature aging as well as various health issues.  Drinking large quantities of alcohol not only damages the liver and kidneys but also alters your appearance. Heavy drinkers often develop discolouration, puffiness or spider veins in their faces.

Smoking ages you and it is very evident by the fine line lines around the mouth, wrinkles on the forehead and yellowing, bad teeth.

What to do:
Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink if you want to live a healthier, longer life. Smokers should quit – you are killing yourself! We know that quitting is one of the hardest things to do and that’s why you should try the Feelgood Health Stop Smoking pack – an all-natural way to stop smoking!
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5. A weak immune system

As we age, our immune systems start to deteriorate. If you are always getting ill, prone to colds, flu, allergies or other infections, then your immune system is weak. When the immune system comes under attack, you are at risk of developing other illnesses which can increase your risk of aging prematurely.

What to do:
Boost your immune system by eating healthily, drinking lots of water and getting adequate rest and sleep. Add an immune-boosting supplement such as Immunity Plus by Feelgood Health to your daily regimen and  ensure that your body gets all the right vitamins and minerals by following a healthy diet.
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6. Lack of sleep

Not getting enough sleep can accelerate aging. Studies show that sleep deprived women show signs of premature skin aging. Sleep deprivation can also lead to medical problems such as diabetes, obesity, cancer as well as an immune deficiency.

What to do:
We all know the importance of getting a good night’s rest – 7 to 8 hours of sleep allows us to look and feel better. If you aren’t sleeping well, treat the underlying cause. Stress, menopausal symptoms or a sleep disorder could be affecting your beauty rest.

Try drinking warm milk, chamomile tea or taking a sleep remedy like Serenite Plus by Feelgood Health to induce drowsiness and help you sleep better. If insomnia is linked to the menopause, MellowPause by Feelgood Health is a herbal remedy that helps to maintain hormonal balance and reduce hot flashes.
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7. Stress

Feeling stressed all the time can weigh you down and gradually take its toll on your body, mental and emotional wellbeing. All the worry, anxiety and stress can add to the aging process especially when it affects your health. Stress plays a big rule in weakening our immune system, which is our defence against premature aging as well as a long list of diseases.

What you can do:
Learn to find ways to deal with your stress before it overwhelms you. Take time out by relaxing, going for a massage, spending time with friends, walking on the beach or listening to soothing music. Keep PureCalm in your bag for instant stress relief. PureCalm is a 100% herbal remedy by Feelgood Health that helps to calm you quickly and soothe anxiety and frazzled nerves.
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8. Maintain a positive attitude

Negativity, anger, pessimism and a sense of hopelessness can all contribute towardsfeeling and looking older than you really are. A sad or angry face often has wrinkles, fine lines or a permanent scowl. Negative feelings cause stress and can contribute towards the development of  high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke,  obesity and diabetes.

What to do:
Stay positive and be grateful for life. Embrace living and you will feel happier about yourself. Train your brain to think happy thoughts and banish negativity – you can do this easily by saying positive affirmations every day and focusing on the positive things that bring you happiness and pleasure.
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9.  Neglecting your oral health

Forgetting to brush your teeth twice daily, not flossing or visiting the dentist for regular check-ups can eventually age you. When you don’t practice good oral hygiene, you may be at risk of developing gingivitis, gum disease and loose teeth which will change your facial appearance – making you look much older than you actually are.

What you can do:
Get into the daily habit of brushing twice daily and flossing. Eat more fruit and veggies and cut out sugary and other unhealthy foods. Visit your dentist for an annual check-up and regular cleanings as this will all contribute to a youthful appearance and a dazzling smile. At Feelgood Health, we have a range of oral care products that contain ONLY safe and natural ingredients, while at the same time doing a good job and tasting great! 
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10.  Lack of Exercise

A sedentary lifestyle is not only bad for your health, it can also accelerate the aging process, contributing towards, obesity, heart problems, arthritis, stiffness, Alzheimers and many other illnesses. Exercise helps with circulation and also increases heart rate and helps to maintain the health of the heart, pumping life-giving oxygen through the body. Keeping your circulation healthy and oxygen levels up, is a great boost to our bodies and to our health.

Many people are unaware that our lymphatic system functions best in a body that moves around. During exercise, movement pumps lymph throughout the system, without which our immune systems cannot function optimally!

What you can do:
Make regular exercise part of your daily routine. Go for a walk, join a dance class, swim or do yoga – at least 20 minutes of exercise a day will keep you looking and feeling younger!
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