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5 tips to reverse AGEING!

5 tips to reverse AGEING!

There's a well-known quote: Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, red wine in the other, body thoroughly used, totally worn out and screaming: "WOO HOO, what a ride!"  This is a great ideal, and there's really no reason why one can't live it up AND age gracefully, with the right tools! 

Turning back the clock!

Tip #1: Grapeseed Extract.
Know the science behind reverse ageing! As we age, our body falls victim to free radicals from the environment and food we consume which damage the strength of our cells. This is why many creams out there claim to have antioxidants to fight these free radicals. The truth is that those conventional creams often contain parabens and SLS chemicals that can actually lead to poor health and other issues! Many women and men however, have known the secret of Grapeseed extract.

It contains special pycnogenols that contain powerful antioxidants. It has even been studied for its promotion of skin cell renewal. Grapeseed extract has also been investigated for its affect on free radicals and thus its promotion of health (See the studies at the end of this article). 

Tip #2: Water IS the fountain of youth!
This naturally abundant element is SUPER important when it comes to staying youthful! Drink 6-8 glasses of water per day to keep your skin hydrated, and even better - add a detoxing herb. Popular celeb Gwyneth Paltrow is a firm believer in alternative remedies. To boost digestion, Gwyneth starts her day with 4 to 12 drops of grapefruit-seed extract mixed into a warm glass of water. Gwyneth believes this extract is a natural cleanser that can help you maintain a healthy digestion as does Lemon or Dandelion (in Detox Drops Dandelion is a key ingredient to help boost the detoxing process and remove impurities). You can also try radish as its enzymes help breakdown food in the gut and are believed to aid with fat and starch digestion. Traditionally used in Japanese medicine to help discharge fat, low-calorie radish also contains high levels of vitamin C, fiber, phosphorus and potassium.

Tip #3: Eat yourself young!
Did you know that Harvard Medical School researchers found that women who routinely nibble nutritious foods slash their risk of dying from the usual culprits, including heart disease and cancer?! Eating a diverse diet, including four servings of fruit per day, can make your RealAge up to 6.1 years younger! In her book, "Age-Proof Your Body" Elizabeth Somer, RD, recommends berries (1 cup three times per week), nuts (5 small handfuls per week), salmon (wonderful for the skin) and spinach/leafy greens (2 servings per day the darker the better!). So get munching as the years fade away… remember too that red wine in moderation and dark chocolate can also have heart benefits, so the quote above has it's truth! The Mediterranean Diet has also showed benefits in reducing heart disease and adding longevity!

Tip #4: Boost Energy and Movement!
It's no use feeling young in spirit but full of aches, pains and squeaky, sore joints… The number one tip for more energy is sleep (8hrs per night) and Siberian Ginseng. In oriental medicine, Ginseng is highly respected and prized as a herb which boosts energy, aiding circulation, supporting natural vitality and acting as an overall systemic supporter. In a recent study Siberian ginseng was shown to be of particular benefit to those in their senior years! In another recent study Siberian ginseng was shown to increase stamina and fitness. Ginseng extract has also been evaluated for its ability to support the bodies natural combative reaction to stress. In addition, Eleutherococcus senticosis has been researched for its possible ability to assist the body in its natural mechanisms to fight off illness and fatigue, so it really is a winner! (And for joint pain and stiffness or arthritis, there is nothing better than Devil's Claw, contained in Mobilive for easy range of movement!)

Tip #5: Your Marvellous Mind.
To stay youthful, experts recommend keeping in contact with your friends and family - and having a wide social circle. Laughing can also be the best way to turn back the clock. Keep your mind sharp by doing word puzzles and brain-teasers, as well as herbal supplements to keep blood flow to the brain in good working order. BrainShine can help to clear the cobwebs of your mind naturally, to give you that sharp mental edge safely. Remember that you are only as old as you FEEL, so do all you can to keep your body naturally young and mobile! That means stop smoking and no heavy drinking (smoke wrinkles the skin and too much alcohol robs the skin of moisture and damages the Liver). Live a clean life and your body will repay you with vitality and wonder!

Patrick Holford also has some great tips to slow ageing - read them here.

Studies: (Agarwal C, Singh RP, Dhanalakshmi S, Agarwal R. “Anti-angiogenic efficacy of grape seed extract in endothelial cells”. Oncol Rep. 2004 Mar;11(3):681-5).  (Bagchi D, Bagchi M, Stohs SJ, Das DK, Ray SD, Kuszynski CA, Joshi SS, Pruess HG. “Free radicals and grape seed proanthocyanidin extract: importance in human health and disease prevention”. Toxicology. 2000 Aug 7;148(2-3):187-97). Assessment of the Effects of Eleutherococcus Senticosus on Endurance Performance. Source: International Journal of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism . Feb2005, Vol. 15 Issue 1, p75-83. 9p. 1 Chart. Author(s): Goulet, Eric D.B.; Dionne, Isabelle J.

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