How To Lose Your Winter Weight And Get Your Summer Body Back!
Want to lose the winter weight come summer? Here are five simple steps to achieve your goal quickly and easily!
1. Change your diet
If you want a summer body, changing your diet is an absolute MUST! You can safely lose 1 to 2kg of body fat per week if you make certain changes to your diet. Cut out sugar and processed carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, and high calorie snacks such as cakes, biscuits and sweets. Ban fast foods and fruit juice, and replace with healthier alternatives such as raw almonds, rooibos tea, or a yummy fruit smoothie. Many processed foods are packed with nasty preservatives and extra sodium which only adds to bloating and water retention. Choose lean meat, chicken, fish, fresh fruit and veggies to eat. Start practicing portion control by downsizing to eating off a smaller plate more often during the day. We’ve all heard nutritionists and health fanatics preach ”six small meals throughout the day” – ever wonder why? Most importantly, DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF! It will cause your metabolism to slow down and your body will hold on to that extra weight for dear life!
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2. Exercise! Exercise!
As much as we’d love the weight to peel off our bodies, it’s not going to happen automatically! You need to put in the effort by exercising at least three times per week. Work up a sweat with cardio and strength training work-outs such as squats, lunges, rows and push-ups. Try various get-fit activities such as running, walking, swimming, dancing or aerobics. Be determined and do what it takes to attain your goal. If you have to book yourself into a gym, do whatever it takes - hire a trainer, join a fitness bootcamp, Zumba dance or work out with a friend but STAY ACTIVE!
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3. Drink more water
Drinking water is a definitely a great accessory to incorporate into your weight loss plan. Very often when you think that you are hungry, you are actually thirsty – our minds confuse hunger with thirst. The next time you feel hungry, reach for a glass of water instead of a snack and see if your hunger pangs disappear. Drinking water before meals is highly recommended by nutritionists because it fills you up and curbs you from overeating. This is a great tip to use especially when going to social events like office functions, cocktail parties and all those get-togethers over the holiday season when you know unhealthy snacks will be served. Staying hydrated with water also helps to rev up your metabolism and burn calories faster especially when working out. Drinking a glass of ice water first thing in the morning should be your wake-up call – it speeds up the metabolism and rehydrates the body after all that moisture is exhaled from the lungs during sleep. It also flushes all those unwanted toxins and waste from the body and that’s why your daily eight glasses are essential.
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4. Add natural remedies to your weight loss regimen
Our bodies need a bit of extra help and support especially when it’s so difficult to get rid of stubborn winter weight. Natural remedies such as Feelgood Health’s EcoSlim and Detox Drops helps to kickstart your weight loss journey into action. EcoSlim contains the ever popular herb, Garcinia Cambogia which everyone is raving about – it boosts metabolism, increases fat elimination, controls appetite and helps you get those pounds off without harming your health. Use this remedy in combination with Detox Drops to cleanse and detox your body, increase energy levels and help you feel revitalised and healthy again.
Try the FREE Feelgood Health Detox and WeightLoss Program which is a five day booster program especially designed to cleanse and purify the system, improve liver and kidney function and facilitate rapid but healthy weight loss if you order any slimming product from Feelgood Health. In only five days, you could be 2 to 5kg’s lighter, feeling great and bouncing with energy!
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5. Sleep more, lose weight
If you’re not getting enough shut-eye, this may also be contributing to your weight gain. Studies suggest that people who sleep less than seven hours per night tend to be heavier and gain more weight over time. In most case, they have a much harder time losing the weight! Getting enough sleep by going to bed earlier helps burn calories, boost fat loss and restricts late-night snacking. Many people complain about not being able to fall asleep and stay asleep – our Serenite Plus and Triple Complex Sleep Tonic are the perfect natural remedies to induce drowsiness and promote healthier sleep patterns. A few drops regularly every night will guarantee you a good night’s sleep and also help you to slim down.
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