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How to Protect Your Kids WITHOUT Flu Vaccinations

How to Protect Your Kids WITHOUT Flu Vaccinations

Little bodies are still developing immunity to specific pathogens, their immune systems are far more at risk of contracting germs and bacteria compared to older children and teenagers. With a lot of controversy about flu vaccines having surfaced over the last year, many parents are feeling confused about the best approach to take. What is the real deal when it comes to Flu Vaccines? Research indicates that despite flu vaccines being meant to protect groups most at risk such as children and the elderly, these vulnerable groups are NOT PROTECTED by the flu vaccine. In fact the average healthy adult is shown to be only marginally protected!

Research into the conventional needle flu vaccine

This notion is backed up by substantial research, which has revealed shocking statistics:

  • Findings from more than 51 studies have shown that babies who were given a flu vaccination between 6-24 months of age were no less likely to contract the ‘flu than those given a placebo .
  • Similarly, findings for children 2 years and old revealed the flu shot was effective only 33% of the time.
  • On the other spectrum, similar results were shown for the elderly as well after a review of 64 reports across 98 flu seasons showed no significant reduction in the incidence of ‘flu after a vaccine.
  • Last but not least, among adults findings were no different after a review of 48 reports that showed conventional vaccinations in healthy adults only reduced the risk of influenza by a mere 6%!

Added to these findings are the increasing number of reports revealing worrisome side-effects from the flu vaccine:

  1. A study led by Dr. David Witt, an infectious disease specialist at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Rafael, California has revealed that vaccinated children are more vulnerableto whooping cough outbreaks compared to unvaccinated children
  2. Flu vaccines typically contain thimerasal, a rather unpleasant poison that has gained a lot of publicity with its possible links to autism.
  3. Flu vaccines have shown to increase the risk of health complicationsand hospitalization, especially in children who suffer from asthma.
  4. There has been a worrying increase in the number of seizuresamongst children with flu shots being considered as a possible cause.
  5. From a naturopathic point of view, frequent vaccination can weaken immune functioningand ultimately lead to ill health and more serious illnesses. Some children and adults alike are also not able to have a flu vaccination due to allergies or other conditions. (Flu vaccines are prepared on chicken embryos and are therefore not safe for those with egg and chicken allergies.)


These are just some of the findings that are circulating in the media, which as parents, makes it difficult to know what route to take - especially as there is currently a huge push by the health industry to get our kids vaccinated.

So what safe alternatives are there?

It's important to understand that there are alternatives equally effective without the side effects associated with conventional flu vaccines! By supporting and strengthening your child's immune system timelessly well before the beginning of winter using SAFE and NATURAL alternatives, you are giving him or her the best defense against contracting colds and the flu.

One such choice is BaniFlu – a 100% homeopathic Flu Vaccine – completely natural and therefore safe for the whole family including infants and young children – as well as pregnant women!.

BaniFlu – the oral homeopathic flu vaccine – no needles! Use BEFORE the onset of winter to protect against the ‘flu.

BaniFlu is the natural, oral homeopathic answer to the flu vaccine! It uses a homeopathic preparation of the current year’s Flu virus vaccine, without any of the toxic side effects that can occur as a result of the conventional flu vaccine (as no crude matter is injected into the blood stream). BaniFlu works to stimulate the body’s “vital force”, supporting and strengthening the body’s immunity against the actual flu virus - thereby making it more resilient to the virus strains for the current year.

Worldwide, a proprietary preparation is produced each year using the flu virus strains recommended by the World Health Organization for the year's vaccine production. BaniFlu has been formulated using the homeopathic version of these worldwide strains combined with homeopathic ingredients well known to support immune functioning. In this way, BaniFlu will also help to address common symptoms such as a cough, running nose, fever, chills, headache, sore throat, fatigue, muscle and joint pains, loss of appetite, gastric symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. Furthermore, it has been formulated for all ages and is recommended to protect the whole family against the flu virus. It is well tolerated with the conventional flu vaccine for those of you who feel the need to cover all your bases!

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