Prevent premature hair loss - 3 things you should never do to your hair!
Is your hair thinning or falling out? Worried that you’re losing too much hair for your age? Are you noticing definite signs of hair loss? If the thought of premature hair loss scares you, READ on to find out WHY your hair may be thinning prematurely, the THREE THINGS YOU SHOULD NEVER DO TO YOUR HAIR and easy steps YOU can take to prevent premature hair loss! We also explain how to do THE TUG TEST to tell whether YOU have a hair loss problem.
Premature hair loss: What is normal?
It’s normal to lose hair! We all lose between 50 and 100 strands of hair per day out of 100, 000 on the average scalp. The average life cycle of a single hair is 2 to 7 years which then falls out and is replaced by new strands of hair within three months. Each hair strand grows from a hair follicle which grows into its own life cycle – growth phase (anagene), resting phase (catagene) and hair falling phase (telogene). When it comes to abnormal hair loss, however, what is usually happening (and we will explain the reasons below) is that hair is falling out quicker than it is growing back!
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What are the causes? Know the culprits causing hair loss
So, now that we have a bit of background about the life cycle of hair, let’s take a look at the culprits causing hair loss, also referred to as alopecia. Surprisingly, these culprits have a lot more to do with modern day living than bad genes or aging.
• Genetics: Genetics is a common cause. This means that if your parents or grandparents became bald earlier, the chances are greater that you will too! Hereditary or “pattern baldness” (often more prevalent in men than women) occurs when insufficient hair grows back to replace hair that has fallen out. This type of hair loss can begin as early as the teen years. In men, a bald spot on top of the scalp or receding hairline is visible. With women, there is thinning on the crown, and noticeable signs include widening of their part or a smaller ponytail. While you can’t change your genetic make-up, there is still a lot you can do to slow down the process of premature hair loss as we will explain below
• Lifestyle: Both men and women as early as in their 20’s may start losing their hair as a result of excessive styling (brushing, blow drying, flat ironing), and colouring. A poor diet, mineral deficiencies, pollution and a stressful lifestyle can also contribute to hair fall. Many people ask us ‘Can stress lead to excessive hair loss?’ The answer is YES! Stress affects people in different ways and some people definitely respond to stress with excessive hair loss!
• Hormonal changes, illness, dramatic weight loss, pregnancy and childbirth can all cause a drop in our immune systems and slow down the rate at which new hair grows back, while increasing the rate of hair loss.
• Medication: Hair loss may be a side effect of certain medications. Birth control medication is a good example. Side effects of medications and treatments such as chemotherapy may also cause hair loss.
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Concerned? Take the TUG TEST!
If you’re concerned that you may be experiencing hair loss, take the tug test to find out!
How to do the TUG TEST: Grab a small bunch of hair and hold it between your thumb and index finger. Now, pull the hair slowly but firmly! If more than six hairs emerge at the same time, you may be suffering from a hair loss problem. Remember, it’s always best to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and especially if you are losing hair at an alarming rate.
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3 things you should never do to your hair!
• Less brushing, less hair loss. Stop brushing your hair so much! Too much brushing causes the hair to break off. To avoid losing hair, use a soft bristled brush. Never brush wet hair, use a comb instead.
• Limit heating and drying procedures. Reduce the usage of blow dryers, curling tongs and hot brushes on your hair. Yes, ladies! That GHD that you love so much, give it a break every so often – it’s ruining your lovely tresses! Frequent use of all these heated tools damages the hair follicles which can lead to hair loss. Go au naturelle and let your hair dry naturally!
• Lose the tight hairstyles. While your high ponytail, messy bun, side braid or hair extensions may be very fashionable and on trend right now – if they are too tight and worn 24/7, they can cause your hair to fall out. Tight hairstyles break the hair off which damages the roots. Give your mane a chance to breathe by leaving it loose or if you choose to wear it in a braid or ponytail, keep it loose at the scalp.
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How to prevent premature hair loss
• Be kind to your hair by using gentle hair care products and minimising the use of heated tools
• Feed your hair by eating a healthy diet. Fill up on protein, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, zinc and biotin to prevent hair loss
• Especially if you have longer hair, keep your hair trimmed and in good condition to prevent excessive tangling, splitting and knotting – all of which can contribute to unnecessary hair loss!
• Keep stress under control by getting enough sleep, exercising regularly and making time to relax and have fun. If you are very stressed, combine these stress management efforts with natural remedies to help you to relax.
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