Acne Combo: Beauty Synergy + Colloidal Silver Gel (SAVE 10%)
Acne Combo
Experience the powerful combination of regenerating tissue salts and healing colloidal silver, to treat acne from the inside and outside. Beauty Synergy Tissue Salts and Colloidal Silver Gel make the perfect pair in tackling inflamed, acne-prone skin in teenagers and adults. Save 10% on this combo today!
Beauty Synergy Tissue Salts (180 tablets)
- Take these tablets daily to help prevent and reduce skin blemishes, acne, oiliness and inflamed skin
- Promotes nourished, hydrated and glowing skin
- Antimicrobial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and antibiotic properties to help treat acne breakouts and prevent the spread of further breakouts
- Reduces redness and swelling of acne and blemishes
Ingredients used in Beauty Synergy Tissue Salts: D6 Biochemic trit of Kali Mur, Calc Fluor, Kali Sulph, Nat Phos, Silicea, Nat Mur
Ingredients used in Colloidal Silver Gel: SilverLab Ionic Colloidal Silver Gel contains colloidal silver D5 (5X) (18 ppm), purified water & polymer gel.
How to use
Beauty Synergy Tissue Salts
Chew or dissolve one tablet in the mouth twice a day. For cute conditions (i.e. active breakouts), take one tablet every 1/2 hour until symptoms subside.
Colloidal Silver Gel
Apply a small amount of Silverlab Colloidal Silver Gel to the affected area two to three times daily.
This medicine has not been evaluated by SAHPRA. This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.