Parvo-K: Homeopathic Remedy for Canine Parvovirus
- Natural homeopathic remedy
- It can be used preventatively or as part of the holistic treatment of parvovirus in dogs and puppies
- Contains oral homeopathic Parvo nosode to protect your dog against Parvovirus
- Assists in the treatment of active Parvovirus under veterinary supervision
- Reduces symptoms of Parvo including fever, diarrhoea and vomiting
- Safe for use during pregnancy and nursing
- Recommended for use along with Feelgood Pets Immunity & Liver Support when treating an active Parvo infection.
Parvo-K contains the following 100% active homeopathic ingredients in therapeutic pet-friendly dosage:
Arsen alb. (6C), Verat. alb. (6C), Belladonna (30C), Parvo (30C), Zingiber off (D3), Agrimonia eupatoria (D3).
Sucrose: inactive ingredient.
How to use
Parvo-K comes in convenient dissolvable granules that are simply sprinkled on the back of the tongue and left to dissolve. Alternatively, they can be mixed with a little wet food or a treat.
- Cats and very small dogs: Large pinch of granules sprinkled into the mouth.
- Small to medium dogs: Two pinches sprinkled into the mouth.
- Medium to large dogs: 1/4 cap of granules sprinkled into the mouth.
Acute dose: Sprinkle granules directly onto the tongue 3 - 5 times daily. Continue for 10 - 15 days after symptoms subside.
Preventative: Use 3 times daily for seven days. Repeat annually or when there is known exposure to infection.
Important information on Canine Parvovirus, symptoms & treatment
- Parvo is a nasty and serious illness and any treatment undertaken should be under veterinary supervision. Infected animals need intensive, supportive therapy such as intravenous fluids and close monitoring.
- Puppies die due to a combination of dehydration and shock and an infected puppy can deteriorate very rapidly.
- Do not go and visit households with other dogs for at least 3 weeks after your dog has recovered from its Parvo infection.
- Disinfect affected areas of your house and garden with bleach, it is advisable to discard all your dog’s bedding to minimise the chances of ongoing environmental contamination.
- Remember prevention is better than cure! Use Parvo-K preventatively and further boost your precious pet’s immune system with Immunity and Liver Support.
The first symptoms of Parvo in an infected dog are usually high fever, lethargy and loss of appetite. Later, vomiting and diarrhoea develop. The stool is often bloody and may have a yellowish color and noticeably foul odour. Without effective treatment, dehydration, shock and even death may follow.
As diarrhoea may be caused by a number of other illnesses, Parvo needs to be carefully diagnosed by a vet - either with a blood test or testing of the dog’s faeces.
Disclaimer: This product has not been evaluated by SAHPRA. This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness. Please consult your veterinarian if symptoms persist.