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What are tissue salts and how to use them!

Tissue Salts – Nature’s Miracle Micro-Nutrients! What are Tissue Salts and how to use them! (Plus a great weight loss tip!)

What are tissue salts and how to use them!

Tissue Salts – Nature’s Miracle Micro-Nutrients! What are Tissue Salts and how to use them! (Plus a great weight loss tip!)

Biochemic Tissue Salts are specially prepared micro-doses of the body’s 12 essential minerals. In 1873, a German doctor, Dr Schussler, first identified these 12 tissue salts, or cell salts, as being the building blocks of all life, present in the body in certain proportions for optimum health. According to Dr Schussler, an imbalance in any of the tissue salts would result in 'dis-ease', depending on the tissue salt concerned. Tissue salts are therefore important elements of cellular health. 

These micro-minerals are important to:

  • assist the body with the optimal functioning of living cells
  • prevent deficiency and maintain cellular balance
  • assist in cell regeneration and replacement
  • help avoid common ailments or illness that may result from an imbalance in cell chemistry
  • promote optimum absorption of nutrients from the diet

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Tissue Salts are natural, suitable for the whole family and may be taken alongside other medications and dietary supplements including minerals and vitamins. What is most amazing about them is that they are safe and gentle (yet effective) enough to be used by the whole family; adults (including during pregnancy), children, babies and even your family pet!

What most people don’t know is HOW to use tissue salts and so they often substitute them for vitamins and supplements. This is not what tissue salts are for and they are not a replacement for vitamin and mineral supplements. It’s important that you know that if your body is not mineral-enriched already, and receiving the correct vitamins, it will be unable to absorb whatever nutrients you put into it (scary stuff)!

This is why tissue salts are so crucial, especially as we live in a world where natural and organic produce and products are becoming scarce! Even the soil that farmers grow their crops in is becoming nutrient depleted! This makes it even more important to make sure that our body chemistry is balanced.

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Let us take a look at the 12 basic tissue salts:

Tissue Salt no. 1. Calc flour - Strengthens skin, ligaments and teeth

Tissue Salt no. 2. Calc phosStrengthening and restorative

Tissue Salt no.3. Calc sulphCleansing, skin purifying and healing

Tissue Salt no. 4. Ferrum phosBlood oxygenator and anti-inflammatory

Tissue Salt no. 5. Kali murMucous regulator, blood cleanser and swollen glands

Tissue Salt no. 6. Kali phosConcentration, calm and nervous system health

Tissue Salt no. 7. Kali sulphChronic skin conditions, sinus and bronchitis

Tissue Salt no. 8. Mag phosNerve nutrient, relieves stress, pains, spasms and cramps

Tissue Salt no. 9. Nat murWater balance, vitality, oedema (water retention)

Tissue Salt no. 10. Nat phosAcid neutraliser, arthritis, gout and oily skin

Tissue Salt no. 11. Nat sulphLiver tonic, detoxifier and effective water eliminator

Tissue Salt no. 12. SiliceaRejuvenates skin and strengthens connective tissue, acts as a detoxifier and expels foreign objects from the body

HAVE A QUESTION related to your health?

Email us, FREE of charge, for advice, click here.

Whether you are wanting to lose weight, boost your immunity, detoxify your body, fight infection (and much more!) without the harmful side effects that conventional medications bring, then tissue salts will become your new best friend!

Tissue salts can be taken regularly 2-3 times a day to support health - or, in acute cases, as often as every 15 minutes until symptoms subside. What’s even better is that they don’t taste bad at all so children and babies should take them with ease (fur friends too!). It is recommended that you drink water when taking tissue salts to help your body with absorption.

Let us know if YOU have any questions about tissue salts and how they can benefit your health – ASK US!

HAVE A QUESTION related to your health?

Email us, FREE of charge, for advice, click here.

Lose weight with tissue salts! (Do this every day for a period of two months)

Mornings: Take two Kali phos tablets ass a nerve tonic to help prevent emotional eating as well as reduce irritability.

Lunchtimes: Take two tablets of Nat sulph as a system cleanser as well as a water eliminator and mild diuretic.

Evenings: Take two tablets of Nat phos to improve the metabolism, digestion and well as to eliminate water retention. 

HAVE A QUESTION related to your health?

Email us, FREE of charge, for advice, click here.


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Feelgood Health Team - August 30, 2023

Good day Varshita

To help regulate the menstrual cycle, we would recommend our Fertile XX.

Promotes healthy and regular ovulation
Corrects hormone imbalances
Strengthens and tones fallopian tubes and promotes ovarian health
Helps with blocked fallopian tubes
Supports healthy uterine functioning
Regulates menstrual cycle

You are welcome to order this online on our website or via WhatsApp on 079 503 4532.

Hope this helps and enjoy your online shopping.

Feelgood Health team

Varshita T - August 30, 2023

Which salt is used to regular periods of 21year old girl

Feelgood Health Team - December 9, 2022

Hi Karl

If you are suffering with emotional eating you can try Kali Phos tablets as a nerve tonic to help prevent emotional eating as well as reduce irritability.

Alternatively, we stock fantastic capsules called Hoodia, a natural remedy that reduces hunger and thirst as well as stimulates feelings of fullness.

Feelgood Health Team

Karl - December 9, 2022

Any salt to subdue hunger?

Feelgood Health Team - September 22, 2022

Good day Maria

Thank you for your comment that you left on our Blog: Tissue Salts – Nature’s Miracle Micro-Nutrients!

Yes, it is safe for you to use tissue salts, however, we do not recommend using Silicea (Tissue Salt No. 12.) as it acts as a natural cleanser and purifier and can eliminate all foreign matter in the body. (prosthesis, breast implants, pace makers, metal plates, pins or artificial tubes in the body)

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Feelgood Health Team

MARiA - September 22, 2022

Hello l would like to know if you have Stents in the heart from a heart attack and also have had a Brain stem stroke 3 years ago is it safe to take tissue Salts .
OI take the Combination Tissue Salts from Dr SSchuesslerComb12 is this ok?
Thank you

Feelgood Health - March 28, 2022

Good morning Sharon

Thank you for your comment that you left on our blog Tissue Salts – Nature’s Miracle Micro-Nutrients!

For hormone balance I would recommend using Don Quai which is a safe and effective herbal remedy which naturally corrects hormone imbalance and prevents oestrogen dominance.

Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Feelgood Health Team

Sharon - March 28, 2022

Which tissue salt tab can I use for lack of hormone balance

Feelgood Health Team - January 14, 2020

Good day Marina

The amount you sweat depends on various factors:
How many sweat glands you have
Hormones (imbalance, menopause etc.)
How active you are
Your emotional state

You may want to read through this informative article ( which explains the causes of excessive perspiration and how to manage it naturally and effectively.

Sweat-Less is our homeopathic remedy that reduces excessive perspiration (hyperhidrosis) and clamminess. View Sweat-Less here > We also have an effective herbal remedy that helps reduce hot flashes associated with menopause, called MellowPause. View MellowPause here >

If you’re specifically looking for a tissue salt to help with your symptoms, I can recommend Nat Sulph. Tissue Salt No. 11. View here >

To address your arthritis, feel free to browse our collection of natural remedies for joints and mobility.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Feelgood Health

MArina - January 14, 2020

I have suffered from hot flashes for the past 13 years. Sometimes they are worse than others but any small activity gets me going and I literally drip specifically on my head. It can really become embarrassing!! Is there a tissue salt I can use to help me cope?
Regards Marina

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