Teething relief tips!
Parents often have to endure many sleepless nights when babies start cutting teeth. While the pain of teething is normal, some babies experience no problems with their teeth emerging at regular intervals. However, other babies do tend to become irritable and niggly, and teething may even cause a fever, diarrhea and affect sleep and eating patterns.
There are various tips and tricks to soothe your baby and ease the discomfort of teething...
Soothe sore gums
- Massage your baby’s gums with a clean finger.
- Rub clove oil or vanilla extract on the gums gently with a wet cloth. Clove oil has numbing and warming properties to keep pain at bay while vanilla extract soothes and calms a fussy child and also relieves pain.
- Let your baby suck on a clean facecloth that has been dipped in cool water.
- Give your baby a chilled teething ring to suck or chew on. Semi-frozen baby bagels are also popular alternatives to soothe sore gums but these must not be too cold or they will cause damage.
- Try natural licorice sticks (we are referring to the herb, of course!) for baby to suck or chew on.
- Chilled foods such as cold pureed fruit or apple sauce may to alleviate the pain.
- Distract your baby from the pain with gentle rocking or cuddling. Homeopathic remedies such as chamomilla millefolum, pulsatilla and belladonna are a wonderful natural alternative that helps to stimulate the body's natural immune response, but always use these in a remedy formulated by an accredited company.
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For babies older than four months, try natural teething gels to provide relief from the pain. If your baby continues to remain or experiences excessive teething accompanied by any other symptoms, consult your doctor or pedetrician before using medication. Remember to follow the directions and dosage carefully – it is generally not a good idea to medicate babies for prolonged periods. For natural soothing relief for fractious, teething babies find out more about our all natural and safe OralSoothe Sprinkles and Baltic Amber Teething Necklace here.
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