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Tips To Lose Weight And Keep It Off!

Tips To Lose Weight And Keep It Off!

'Tis the season to indulge or is it? The month of December is filled with so many occasions to overindulge in food and drink – end of year office celebrations, huge Christmas lunches, New Year’s Eve parties as well as get-togethers with friends and family. It’s no wonder that we pack on the pounds when we are having so much fun! You may think that it’s not possible to have fun and watch your weight, but it is! Here are Feelgood Health’s tips to avoid weight gain this holiday season.

1. Never arrive at a party hungry

One of the biggest mistakes we make is going to a party or get-together on an empty stomach. Party foods such as canapes, pastries, chips and dip, as well as mini desserts pack on the calories! 
If you want to maintain your weight, avoid these tempting tit bits and enjoy a healthier option at home before going to the event. Having a meal beforehand will fill you and there would be no need to overeat. Once you’re at your party, a good tip is to have a glass of water before you start filling your plate - it will fill you and stave off the hunger pangs! 

2. Keep moving

Over the holidays, we often take a break from exercising and staying active. While you don’t have to maintain your usual exercise routine, you are also don’t need to become a couch potato either! 
A  lack of activity definitely contributes to weight gain, so keep moving! Go for long walks on the beach, hike, toss a ball with the kids or swim. As it’s the party season, put on your dancing shoes and dance – this is a sure winner to keep the kilos off!

3. Make healthy choices

It can be difficult to say no to all the yummy holiday foods but if you’re determined to manage your  weight, it can be achieved. Continue to follow a healthy daily diet of fresh fruit, veggies and lean meat or fish to keep you nourished. Make sure that you avoid excess sugar, carbs and high fat foods which can sap your energy levels and make you feel lethargic and crabby.

In the Feelgood Health range, our EcoSlim is a herbal remedy which helps you to maintain your ideal weight and boost your metabolism while improving liver and digestive functioning. EcoSlim also contains the powerful ingredient, Garcinia Cambogia which is also used as a natural appetite suppressant.

4. Practice portion control

Glazed gammon, turkey with cranberry stuffing, mince pies, trifle, boerewors and chops? Oh, the endless temptations of festive foods! Guess what? You don’t have to give up all your favourites! Enjoy them in moderation but watch your portion sizes, especially if there is a buffet. Choose a side plate instead of a dinner plate as this forces you to give yourself smaller portions.

5. Limit alcohol

Go easy on the alcohol at holiday parties. Alcohol can lead to weight gain and when you drink too much, you often don’t have control over what you eat. Did you know that having a glass of wine is about the same amount of calories as a slice of cake? Fancy a margarita? It’s the equivalent of a cheese burger. If you enjoy beer, a 500ml has the same caloric value as a slice of pizza. 
Cocktails are the number one culprit because of their high sugar content – watch out ladies!  Remember, moderation is key! Women should only be having be a single standard drink per day – a glass of wine, a shot of spirits or a bottle of beer. Men are allowed two standard drinks per day.  

6. Focus more on socialising than on the food

Don’t make food or eating the focus when you attend a party or an event. Enjoy the company, your family and friend, the music and dancing.
Divert your attention away from the food by spending time with the people that are there, enjoy the conversation and atmosphere of the occasion.

7. Learn to say no

All too often we become people pleasers when we are around food. The host or hostess will insist that you try a slice of cake or have seconds when you know you shouldn’t or really don’t want to, but you do! Set limits for yourself, be firm and learn to say no to foods that won’t benefit your waistline.

8. Bring your own healthy treats to a party

If you know that the party you’re attending will not be catering to include healthy options, take your own dish along. Nowadays, most people take their own snacks and beverages to a get-together anyway which gives you the perfect opportunity to bring along a low calorie treat.

9. Don’t abstain, indulge a bit!

Trying to abstain from yummy foods over the holidays as well as every other day doesn’t work either. You are setting yourself up for a disaster that is sure to end in bingeing! Cut yourself some slack, give yourself a limit and enjoy a treat that can be worked into your daily calorie allowance. 

10.  If you fall off the wagon?

Right, you overindulged and ate much more than you expected to. The result is that you’ve gained an extra five or ten kilos – it happens! You are human after all! Pick yourself up and start over again. Let it your New Year resolution to achieve your goal weight and live a healthy and active lifestyle.

Start off the new year with a good detox treatment such Detox Drops to get rid of nasty toxins in the body, increase energy levels and boost the immune system.  Detox Drops can be used in combination with EcoSlim to encourage healthy weight loss for a slimmer you!

If you have any health-related questions, please contact us or leave a comment below for FREE advice. We always love hearing from you!
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