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Are you anxious? Take Dr Oz' anxiety scale test and find out how to reduce anxiety and panic attacks

Are you anxious? Take Dr Oz' anxiety scale test and find out how to reduce anxiety and panic attacks

Anxious all the time? Panic attacks? Afraid that everything will always go wrong? It is normal to experience anxiety – everyone does! We feel anxious or tense when our bodies react to stress or a threatening situation. But anxiety is also healthy and can actually be beneficial in certain situations.

However, for some people anxiety can become all-consuming and lead to endless worry, panic, apprehension and fear. When anxiety is out of control and dominates your thoughts, it can affect your day-to-day living negatively. If you are concerned that anxiety is making your life miserable, test your levels of anxiety and find out how to manage this condition – take the Dr Oz Anxiety Scale Test!   


Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems? Read each of the seven statements. For each item, assign a score of: 
• “0” if you have not experienced this symptom at all
• “1” if you have experienced this symptom for several days
• “2” if you have experienced this symptom for more than half the days
• “3” if you have experienced this symptoms nearly every day

  Not at all Several Days More than half the days Nearly Every Day
Question 1        
During the last two weeks, how often have you been feeling nervous, anxious or on edge? 0 1 2 3
Question 2        
During the last two weeks, how often have you not been able to stop or control worrying? 0 1 2 3
Question 3        
During the last two weeks, how often have you been worrying about many different things? 0 1 2 3
Question 4        
During the last two weeks, how often have you had trouble relaxing? 0 1 2 3
Question 5        
During the last two weeks, how often have you been so restless that it's hard to sit still? 0 1 2 3
Question 6        
During the last two weeks, how often have you become easily annoyed or irritable? 0 1 2 3
Question 7        
During the last two weeks, how often have you felt afraid, for no reason, as if something awful might happen? 0 1 2 3


Scoring: Once you have answered each item, add all answers for a total score.

Understanding Your Score

Total score:
0 to 4 = Minimal/non-significant - These individuals are likely to experience some anxiety from time to time, but do not find anxiety to be problematic in their daily lives.
5 to 9 = Mild - These individuals may worry and/or experience mild physical symptoms of anxiety. Intrusive thoughts may be begin to become bothersome or distracting, causing stress.
10 to 14 = Moderate - Note: A score of 10 or above warrants further assessment and may be indicative of an anxiety disorder. Scores between 10 and 14 fall within the moderate range. These individuals may experience increased worry or preoccupation in addition to greater emotional and behavioural responses. Chronic levels of moderate anxiety may also result in symptoms of chronic stress such as headaches, stomach upset, and tense muscles in the neck, back, and shoulders.
15 or more = Severe - Scores of 15 or more fall within the severe range. When severe levels of anxiety persist, most or all areas of one’s life may be impacted. It can become difficult to work, relationships with others can become strained, the ability to do everyday tasks becomes difficult, and caring for oneself, one’s home, and one’s family can be a challenge. 
Some individuals may experience panic attacks, which are short periods of overwhelming, very intense anxiety wherein they feel a sense of impending doom that something horrible is going to happen from which they need to find safety. This fear is out of proportion to the incident or circumstances that relate to it.

Tips to manage anxiety

• Change your Thought Patterns

We increase anxiety and worry by thinking negative thoughts. These thoughts are not helpful as they affect the way you feel and behave. Train yourself to start thinking more positive, helpful thoughts. It takes practice but the more you start thinking good thoughts, the better you will feel. Start your day by reading a positive affirmation or stick a feel good quote on your PC or a place where you can see it.
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• Be good to yourself

When you feel bad or stressed, you often forget to be good to yourself. This is exactly the time when you need to take care of yourself by eating healthily, getting enough sleep and exercising. Identify when you feel anxious or stressed, and find ways that will help you to feel calmer and relaxed. Some people find that taking a walk, listening to music, doing a hobby or going for a run helps to relieve anxiety and stress. 
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• Stay connected

People who experience anxiety are often easily prone to depression. They may isolate themselves from others and prefer to be alone when they feel anxious, stressed or depressed. Maintaining connections to family and friends is extremely important if you want to avoid a downward spiral. Speak to a friend or family member when you feel anxious or worried – talking about how you feel always makes you feel better. 
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• Practice relaxation techniques

Breathe deeply from your diaphragm to relieve tension - it is very relaxing and practicing this technique every day will definitely put you in a more positive space.  Other relaxation techniques which also ease anxiety and stress are yoga, tai chi or guided imagery exercises.
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• Challenge anxious thoughts

If you suffer from chronic anxiety, then you’ll always worry about the “what ifs” and worst-case scenarios. These thoughts are irrational, pessimistic and unrealistic. In order to stop the worry and anxiety, you have to break these bad thinking habits. Question your anxiety to gain more perspective. For instance, “Is this really going to happen?” “Can I handle that?” “What would be the worst that could happen?”
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• Natural Remedies

Sometimes you may need extra help to feel calm and natural remedies from the Feelgood Health range will do just that – without the negative effects of prescription drugs (and no prescription required!)

Herbal remedies for anxiety, stress and panic
A few doses of PureCalm daily will relieve anxiety, stress, irritability and nervous tension whenever you need it. In more severe cases where anxiety and panic are uncontrollable, our MindSoothe acts as a natural antidepressant and encourages balanced mood and feelings of wellbeing.   

Meditation CD

Listen to The Rocking Chair CD which is especially designed to cope with anxiety and stress. A combination of soothing sounds induces a state of deep relaxation, effectively relieving stress and promoting inner healing – put together by Michele Carelse, our Clinical Psychologist, especially to help with fear, stress, anxiety and depression

Aromatherapy Relief
Feelgood Health's range of natural and organic aromatherapy/essential oils can help you to relax and de-stress. Perfect to pamper yourself when anxiety and stress levels are high!
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