All YOU need to know about Genetically Modified Food!
All YOU need to know about Genetically Modified Foods (GMO)
Modern agriculture has been a rising crisis over the past few decades; chemical fertilisers, herbicides, pesticides, antibiotics fed to livestock and not to mention…genetically modified crops and foods! Let’s take a look at genetically modified foods and the harmful effects they have on your body.
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What is GMO?
Genetically Modified Organisms are artificial DNA that are inserted into animals or food crops. These genes usually come from viruses, insects, bacteria, animals and even humans!
Here are a few reasons why the food industry genetically modifies plants/animals:
- Research
- Virus resistance
- Insect protection
- Model animals
- Production of pharmaceutical products
- Lower costs = greater benefit
- Herbicide tolerance
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So you’re wondering, “Is it safe to eat GMO foods?” The answer is NO! Let’s take a look at how GMO’s harm YOUR health:
- Gluten Disorders
Bt-toxin, glyphosate, and other components of GMOs are linked to conditions that can either exacerbate or initiate gluten related disorders
- Toxicity
Rats given GM soy were found to have deadly amounts of toxicity in their kidneys, liver, sperm, testes, blood and DNA
- Infertility
Studies show that mice fed GM corn had greatly reduced fertility (both male and female) compared to mice fed non-GM corn as well as their offspring
- Birth Defects
Studied have shown the link between farmed pigs being fed GMO’s and giving birth to deformed piglets suffering from spinal deformities, visible abnormalities and growths and conjoined twins
- DNA Transfer
DNA from GMO’s are not completely broken down during the digestion process and remain whole. The larger DNA fragments have been found to pass directly into the circulatory system, sometimes to a higher level than human DNA.
- Food Allergy
The list of GMO food products intersect with 8 of the most common food allergies: shellfish, tree nuts, wheat, peanuts, fish, eggs, soy and milk. A coincidence? We think not!
- Cancer
Glyphosate has been found to double the risk of one blood cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and increase the risk of related cancer; multiple myeloma
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So, the question is…are there GMO’s lurking in your pantry? Without any labelling, GMO’s are difficult to avoid. We advise that your best bet would be to go organic, exercise and detox your body as often as possible! Keep a bottle of Organic Fruit & Veg Spray at hand - a powerful, all-natural way to safely eliminate pesticide residues and harmful microbes from fresh produce. It also extends freshness. Simply spray, rinse and eat (or leave on to extend freshness).
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