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UTI-Free: Natural treatment for pet bladder infections

R 246.00
  • Safe & effective homeopathic remedy
  • Naturally treats the symptoms of urinary tract infections (UTIs) in dogs & cats
  • Maintains urinary tract and bladder health
  • Prevents recurring UTI infections
  • Soothes the discomfort of cystitis (bladder infection)
  • Reduces or eliminates the need for antibiotics

Symptoms of UTI infections in dogs & cats

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) in dogs & cats are uncomfortable and extremely painful. They tend to be more common in cats than dogs and can be caused by bacterial infection, urolithiasis (stones and crystals in the urinary tract and bladder) or a change in urinary pH (alkaline or acidity value) that may cause inflammation of the bladder wall. Recurring UTI infections are common in pets with diabetes. UTIs often recur and can lead to more serious kidney infections if left untreated.

Symptoms of UTI infections include:

  • Straining to urinate
  • Obvious pain or discomfort when urinating
  • Constantly licking their genitals
  • Frequent urination without passing much urine
  • Urinating in unusual places
  • Cloudy or bloody urine
  • Fever and loss of condition

Conventional treatment of UTI's will depend on the specific cause of the problem. In many cases, antibiotics are prescribed which invariably relieve the animal's symptoms rather speedily. However antibiotics tend to have a general weakening effect on the immune system which can cause further problems, especially in the long-term and particularly if they are prescribed regularly for recurrent infections. Anti-inflammatories are also prescribed to relieve discomfort and decrease inflammation of the bladder.

Additionally, your vet may prescribe a specific urinary diet for your pet. This is often indicated in cases of crystals in the bladder, The diets work by changing the pH of the urine to either become less or more acidic. Some, but not all crystals can be dissolved if the correct diet is found - but in certain cases surgical removal of the stones and crystals may be the only option.

      The natural way

      Water is the best preventative for bladder problems. The more fresh cool water your pet drinks, the more dilute his or her urine will become and the less likely infection or bladder stones are to develop. Leave fresh bowls of cool water around the house to promote drinking. You can even add water to pet food or dry food to supplement water intake. Encourage your dog to urinate frequently – try walks outside, or letting them play in the garden. Animals who are made to wait to urinate are at more risk for bladder problems. Try cutting a doggie door, or ask someone else to let them outside if you are at work. Lastly, as bladder infections are common, keep your pet’s immune system in tip-top shape by following healthy nutrition (organic where possible) and giving them plenty of exercise, fresh air and sunshine!

      How can UTI-Free help?

      UTI-Free is a selected combination of homeopathic ingredients specially formulated to safely and effectively treat the causes and the symptoms of urinary tract and bladder infections in pets.  UTI-Free comes in tiny granules and is easy to administer to pets, reducing or eliminating the need for repeated antibiotic treatment. 

      What are the Ingredients?

      UTI-Free contains the following 100% active homeopathic ingredients in therapeutic pet-friendly dosage:

      • Berberis (D3) This widely studied herb contains berberine as a main constituent. Berberine is a recognized antibacterial agent and has been shown to kill amoebae in test tube studies. It also prevents bacteria from attaching to cell walls, reduces inflammation and strengthens immune functioning, thereby warding off infection and acting as a preventative as well as a natural antibiotic. Berberis also helps to treat the symptoms of diarrhea, especially if related to E.Coli infection.
      • Cantharis (6C) is prescribed homeopathically for a variety of conditions, including severe cystitis and the burning urine associated with bladder infections, as well as the inability to pass more than a few drops of urine at a time.
      • Staphysagris (6C) is a proven homeopathic remedy also recommended for urogenital problems such as cystitis, as well as urine retention sometimes associated with prostate problems.

      Sucrose: inactive ingredient.

      UTI-Free contains no gluten, artificial flavours, colours or preservatives. Our products are animal-cruelty free. Individual ingredients are well-researched and are natural, safe and effective.

      Safe for use during pregnancy and nursing.

      How has UTI-Free helped others?

      "My male cat, Brownie, spent 3 days at the vet and I paid over $800 for the hospitalization. Blood in his urine reappeared after a week. I did nt know what to do because I did not want to stress him out any further by taking him back to the vet. I saw UTI free on the web and decided I had nothing to loose. We used the product for a week and his urine is now clear. The best thing about this product is just sprinkling it on the food- no arguments about taking oral meds. It is so good to see Brownie happy again. Thanks so much for this product."

      "Our cat Blue, has been diagnosed with Chronic Cystitis. Basically, that means she has continuous and unexplained urinary tract infections. She has one or more a month and each lasts over a week and is very painful and uncomfortable. We have been told there is no cure for this problem and all we can do is wait until she gets the infection and put her on antibiotics. That was an unacceptable answer. The antibiotics never helped her very quickly anyway. I found your product on line and thought why not give it a try. I am happy to report Blue has been UTI free for three weeks now since taking your UTI-Free for pets. I just ordered another bottle. Thank you on behalf of our pain free and comfortable, happy cat. And by the way, if you have a pet like ours that will not let you sprinkle the product directly on their tongue as suggested, we mix each of Blue's doses in one tablespoon of wet food and it worked like a charm. Thanks again!" - Ann

      "Thank you so much for making your wonderful products. Your UTI-Free and Digestive Support herbal medicines have cured my dog of her ailments. Now she can live and get back to doing what she does best, playing and barking! Again, thank you so very much!!" - Christie

      "I am totally amazed! My five year old bloodhound mix has had bladder infections her entire life due to an anatomical defect (diverticula). We were looking at either keeping her on antibiotics for the rest of her life or having extremely invasive surgery and then we went to a holistic vet who focused on trying to find a way to keep her infection-free. I found this product and he told us it was safe to try it for her. Three nights ago I noticed the tell-tale signs: frequency, straining, bloody urine, and I gave her six capfuls over the three hours as recommended. She slept through the night that evening, which is unusual for her when she's got an infection and I got up the next morning to discover she still had the blood in her urine. I kept giving it to her though, and now the blood is gone and her urine is back to its normal light yellow. I'm dropping off a sample for a urinalysis in the morning but I'm confident it wll be clean. Thank you so much for helping my sweet girl!" - Paula

      My soon to be 6 year old cat was diagnosed with bladder stones a month ago. They recommended surgery but we couldn’t afford it. I began to do research on this problem and how it’s developed and it all begins with the dry food. I changed her diet to wet food but I knew she needed some type of treatment. She was on antibiotics twice and we all know that after a prolonged time use of it, eventually it stops working. She’s been using UTI-Free for 3 weeks now and she is not in any discomfort at all. She’s more active; almost like a kitten and her urine flow seems so much more than before, not only that there is no blood in the urine as before! Thank God for (Feelgood pets)! I strongly recommend it." - Josette

      "This is in regard to your UTI-FREE, what a wonderful product that absolutely works well and quickly! My 3 year old cat is prone to UTI infections, and vet fee's are awful. I mixed the stuff up with a tiny amount of cranberry juice, took a syringe without the needle and shot it in her mouth.It was not such a chore and I think she actually enjoyed it. Boo and I thank you so very much. So glad I found you guys, and I'm next to try your thyroid remedy." - Johanna Kilian

      "Our cat Louie came down with a UTI about 4 months ago and we took him to the ended up costing us over $900.00. So, when I noticed him having the same symptoms, I broke down. I refused to let him go, but I knew we couldn't afford the HUGE vet bill again. I found this site and asked my husband to order the UTI-Free. We received it and gave it to him right away. I am happy and very thankful to say that he is with us today and as normal as ever. Now we give it to Lestat, our other cat, as well." - Cynthia

      How do I use UTI-Free?

      UTI-Free comes in convenient dissolvable granule form. The tiny granules are easy to administer to animals of all sizes and personalities and are simply sprinkled on the back of the tongue and left to dissolve. Alternatively, they can be mixed with a little wet food or a treat. No fuss and bother!

      Cats and small dogs: Large pinch of granules sprinkled into the mouth.
      Small to medium dogs: Two pinches sprinkled into the mouth.
      Medium to large dogs: 1/4 cap of granules sprinkled into the mouth.

      Acute Conditions: Administer every 30 minutes for up to 6 doses a day or until symptoms subside. Thereafter administer two to three times daily for at least 7 days more or for as long as is necessary.

      Chronic Use (for animals with recurring UTI-infections): Two doses of UTI-Free daily to maintain urinary tract health.

      Management tips for UTI/bladder infections in dogs & cats

      • Make sure that your pet has plenty of clean, filtered water. Cats can be fussy drinkers and may only want to drink from a running tap, out of your glass of water or from rain puddles – (such is the finicky feline). During a bladder infection encourage your pet to drink as the bladder needs to be flushed out
      • Make sure that you keep kitty’s litter tray clean and be cautious when changing brands of cat litter. If your feline doesn’t like his/her new cat litter they will refuse to use the litter tray and by holding urine in their bladder for an extended period of time they are predisposed to urinary tract infections
      • If your pet suddenly develops a urinary tract infection try and determine the cause for this. Most bladder infections are not caused by bacteria but arise due to changes in pH that cause inflammation and discomfort. A change in diet, bad weather that stops your pet going out for regular wees, or even stressful events in their home environment can trigger a bout of cystitis in an otherwise healthy pet.
      • Ensure your pet is eating a balanced, high quality diet with plenty of raw and unprocessed food, (preferably organic), and avoid onions as they can be toxic to animals. If your pet is on a prescription diet feed only this diet, by adding anything to it, or not feeding this as the only source of food it’s stabilising effects on the urine pH will be ineffective
      • Use Immunity and Liver Support capsules to boost your pet's immune functioning and resistance against disease and infection.

          Disclaimer: This product has not been evaluated by SAHPRA. This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness. Please consult your veterinarian if symptoms persist. 

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          Customer Reviews

          Based on 10 reviews
          Not happy this time around

          After giving Freya the granules as directed she started to vomit everyday after breakfast (with granules over food). I stopped giving it to her and the vomiting stopped. I thought it was something else causing the upset, so I started giving it again, but then the vomiting started again. I am not sure if the formula has changed since I bought it last....but I'd rather not have the vomiting continue.

          Jacobus Classen
          UTI Dog

          15 Year old Labrador had successive bladder infections. Although anti biotic treatments cured this, the problem repeated a couple of times.
          Since starting to use UTI-Free it has not returned. Accompanying UT problems also stopped.

          Marnel van Zyl
          No change yet

          3 weeks of using it. Really struggled to get it in my cat. Started mixing it with water and giving it to him with a pipette, no change yet.

          Hi Marnel

          Thank you for your honest and valued review of UTI-Free! We have sent you an email with a little thank you gift :)

          In regards to you struggling to give the remedy to your cat - certain cats can be extra fussy (especially when they are unwell or are in pain), so we commend you for persevering with the remedy! Another way to administer the remedy to your cat is to mix the granules in with some wet cat food or in a bit of peanut butter.

          Please make sure to administer the remedy up to 6 times per day until symptoms subside. Thereafter, administer the remedy 2 - 3 times daily for at least 7 days more.

          Wishing your cat a speedy recovery!

          UTI Free Pup

          Biggest thank you for this awesome natural remedy. My pup was diagnosed with a UTI and daily doses helped clear her up in no time. I am super grateful and will always stock this product as a precaution.

          Wilma Van Dyk

          I am using UTI-free for many years for my male cat,he is now 16. Never without it.
          Mixing it twice a day with his wet food.

          UTI Free

          I'm using the UTI Free granules for two years for my cats urinary problem.
          Endless visits to the hospital was to no avail.
          After research I discovered UTI Free! What a lifesaver! Absolute relief and healing for my male cats from urinary infection and blockages!
          Thank GOD!