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4 Simple Questions You Can Ask About Dental Hygiene

4 Simple Questions You Can Ask About Dental Hygiene

No one likes to be told that they have bad breath or halitosis – but even worse is not knowing! In a recent show, Dr Oz confirmed that many people do not even know that they have bad breath! We look at Dr Oz’s advice on how to tell if you have bad breath and what you can do to cure halitosis.

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is embarrassing - but at some point in our lives, we’ve all experienced this condition. Studies show that 95% of us suffer from occasional bad breath while one in four adults battle with bad breath on a regular basis. The good news is that getting rid of a bad breath problem is much easier  than you think!

Bad Breath Culprits – Causes of Bad Breath
Try this quick and simple diagnosis:

  • BACTERIA: The culprit of all-day bad breath is often as a result of a build-up of the millions of bacteria living in your mouth. The bacteria cause inflammation and give off volatile sulphur gases which produce the offensive odours.  Bacteria thrives in cavities, bleeding gums, cracked fillings or tonsils that have trapped food particles.
  • TONGUES: f your teeth and gums are healthy but your breath still reeks, then the bad breath offender is most likely your tongue. A coated tongue with a white, yellowish or brownish film is where bad breath bacteria is produced.
  • FOOD CULPRITS: You’re likely to send people running for the hills when you consume strong tasting foods such as onion, garlic, fish or the irresistible Vindaloo curry that you can’t say no to! Other triggers also include a high protein diet, dairy products, drinking alcohol, dehydration, smoking and taking certain medications. All these triggers cause a dry mouth which leads to bad breath.
  • MEDICAL CONDITIONS:  Certain medical conditions such as diabetes, postnasal drip, acid reflux, respiratory tract infections, bronchitis and liver disease can also cause your breath to become unpleasant.  An overgrowth of Candida in your digestive system is another culprit that people may often be unaware of and which can contribute significantly to stubborn & persistent bad breath!

Dr. Oz has four simple questions that you can ask yourself about dental hygiene and offers some great tips to keep your breath clean and fresh.

4 Questions from Dr Oz about Dental Hygiene 

On a recent  show, Dr Oz suggested that most people who suffer from bad breath are not even aware they have it. The first step would be to self diagnose your symptoms.
1. Does your tongue have a white coating?
2. Do you eat lots of high protein foods, onions, garlic, dairy products as well as sugary and acidic foods?
3. Do you drink lots of coffee, alcohol and fizzy drinks?
4. Are you a smoker?

Still not convinced that you may have bad breath? Try this quick and simple diagnosis:

1. Wipe the surface of your mouth with a piece of cotton wool and smell it. If the cotton wool has a yellowish stain on it, this is an indication that you have an elevated level of sulphide production.
2. Lick the back of your hand and let it dry for ten seconds. Now smell it. If there is an odour, then you have smelly breath because the sulphur salts from your tongue have been transferred to your hand
3. Smell your dental floss, if it smells – you have bad breath!

Take Control of Bad Breath

 As mentioned above, an overgrowth of candida in the system can very often go undetected and result in a variety of odour problems as well as thrush and fungal infections. Feelgood Health has a herbal remedy called Candidate, containing natural ingredients effective in reducing candida levels.
Using a 100% naturalThere are many things that you can do to prevent and control bad breath

  • DENTAL HYGIENE: If you want to beat the battle of bad breath, there’s no time like now to get started. Firstly, brush your teeth and floss twice a day  – no skipping! Make sure that you also brush your tongue thoroughly or invest in a tongue scraper. This is quite a nifty device which scrapes the surface of the tongue and gets rid of all the smelly-forming debris. Most importantly, visit your dentist twice yearly for a check-up and professional cleaning.
  • NATURE’S BREATH FRESHENERS: There are certain foods that combat rancid breath such as crisp veggies and fruit – celery, carrots or apples. Chewing these foods after meal times helps to stimulate saliva which gets of bacteria and removes food particles stuck in your teeth. Sip on green tea, cinnamon, eating parsley, mint, dill, basil and coriander to disguise mouth odours.
  • WATER: A dry mouth and dehydration and two of the worst culprits causing bad breath! Most people do not drink enough water – are you one of them? Stay hydrated by drinking of plenty of water throughout the day (and after meals) to keep saliva flowing in your mouth and helping to  prevent bad breath.

NATURAL REMEDIES FOR BAD BREATH: Natural remedies are also very effective in combatting bad breath and cleansing the system and we can recommend the following THREE remedies to help you.

1. Halitonic is a natural remedy from Feelgood Health that treats the underlying causes of bad breath and halitosis while cleansing toxins from the mouth and digestive tract.

2. Very often, an overall detox for the body is needed to remove all the impurities. Our all-herbal Detox Drops are very effective in detoxing and cleansing the system such as 15 Day Oil Pulling Program can help a lot to control  iffy mouth odours. 

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