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Back to School Blues - Is your child struggling to adjust?

Back To School Blues - Is Your Child Struggling To Adjust?

It’s the start of a new school year, and while this should be an exciting time, it can often be stressful for kids adjusting to a new grade or school. Whether your child is starting crèche, pre-school, junior, or high school, it’s perfectly natural for them to feel nervous or apprehensive. However, if your child tends to be shy or anxious, the transition can be even more challenging.

Shy and anxious children may have a harder time coping with new environments. Feelings of worry, bewilderment, and fearfulness may prevent them from engaging with their peers or trying new activities. As a parent, it’s tough to see your child struggling, perhaps refusing to go to pre-school alone, avoiding social interactions, or shying away from participating in sports or dancing.

If you’re wondering if your child will ever outgrow this shyness or anxiety, or if you're worried it’s getting worse, you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are ways to help them adjust.

Our clinical psychologist shares these tips to help your child settle into school more easily:

1. Avoid Labelling Your Child as Shy or Anxious

It’s easy to fall into the habit of saying things like, “Oh, she’s just shy” or “He’s feeling anxious,” but when kids hear these labels, especially from their parents, they begin to internalise them. This can reinforce their feelings of insecurity. Instead of focusing on labels, celebrate their small wins. Encourage and praise any bold interactions or moments of bravery, no matter how small.

2. Prepare Your Child in Advance

It’s the fear of the unknown that often causes anxiety in children. Prepare your child by familiarising them with their new school environment. Show them where their classroom and the toilets are, and explain where you will be waiting to pick them up. This will ease some of the unknowns and help your child feel more in control. Remember to maintain a positive attitude, emphasising that the new school year will be a wonderful experience.

3. Routine, Routine, Routine!

Structure and predictable routines are vital, especially during times of emotional change. Keep mealtimes, bedtimes, and after-school routines consistent. Children with fragile natures may struggle with sleep or experience bad dreams during periods of adjustment. Consider using natural remedies like Du Du Drops from Feelgood Health, which promote peaceful sleep and relaxation. For nightmares or night terrors, Good Dream Sprinkles can help soothe your child and aid in restful sleep.

4. Be Organised

Mornings can be chaotic, and the last thing an anxious child needs is stress. Organise your mornings to run smoothly by preparing lunches and checking homework the night before. You can also get your child involved in packing their school bag or laying out their uniform. Creating a calm and stress-free morning routine will set a positive tone for the rest of the day.

5. Offer Reassurance

Regular reassurance is key. Listen to your child’s concerns without dismissing them. Let them know that feeling nervous is normal, even for adults. Share your own happy school memories and let them know that they can always come to you with any worries. It’s also important not to show your own anxieties, as children are sensitive to their parents’ emotions.

Sometimes, though, reassurance might not be enough. If your child needs extra help to feel confident and less anxious, consider using a natural remedy like K OK KiddieCalmer. This homeopathic solution is specially formulated for children, helping to ease shyness and nervousness. For further support, MindSoothe Jr can assist in relieving anxiety, sadness, and low self-esteem.

By implementing these strategies, you can help your shy or anxious child settle into school smoothly and with greater confidence. Remember, every child is unique, and with the right support, they can adjust and thrive in their new school environment.

If you have any question, please contact us or leave a comment below for FREE health advice. We always love hearing from you!

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