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make your own cough syrup at home

Make your own cough syrup at home (FREE recipe!) PLUS FIVE of our best natural health cold and ‘flu tips!

Make your own cough syrup at home (FREE recipe!) PLUS FIVE of our best natural health cold and ‘flu tips!

Everyone knows that natural is always better when it comes to one’s health. Winter is not over yet and this is the time where our immune systems are the most compromised when it comes to nasty colds and ‘flu as cooler temperatures result in “sluggish immune response” therefore leaving people more susceptible to infection.

Here are FIVE of our best natural health cold and ‘flu tips to get you through the last stretch this winter – PLUS a FREE DIY Natural Cough Syrup Recipe that you can make at home!

OUR TOP FIVE Natural Health Cold & ‘Flu Tips

  • Boost your immunity as this is your body’s first line of defense! Make sure that you eat healthy and get as much exercise as possible. It is also always helpful to get a natural herbal immunity booster to give your body that extra kick to help keep viruses at bay or to assist in a speedy recovery from infection. We recommend Immunity Plus (adults) and KiddieBoost (children) from the Feelgood Health range. These concentrated herbal tinctures act as an antibiotic alternative and will help you (and your little ones) avoid the dreaded antibiotic cycle!
  • Fresh air allows for air movement which, in turn, decreases the chance of airborne viruses hitching a ride on you. Make sure to keep your windows open as much as possible, even if it is quite nippy! Sitting around in a stuffy room with no circulation can greatly increase your chances of catching a nasty bug! If you feel that you are getting too cold, you can always brew yourself a cup of delicious organic immune boosting tea to get you by and raise your body temperature again!
  • Get more sunlight! Snuggling up underneath blankets indoors and trying to stay as warm as possible in winter is a given, therefore we usually aren’t exposed to as much sunlight as we are in summer. Sunlight is one of our main sources of Vitamin D which, believe it or not, can encourage your body to fight off colds and reduce the risk (by 50%!) of upper respiratory infection. If you find that you are not managing to bask in the sun's rays enough, make sure that you take a good quality multivitamin supplement that will help you to support your immune functioning. 
  • Water helps the kidneys to function properly, therefore flushing out accumulated toxins in the body as well as infection. Try and set a goal of drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day. Sound overwhelming? It might be easier, to begin with, to keep a bottle of water with you at all times and slowly sip on it throughout the day instead of downing entire glasses of water at once. You will thank yourself later!
  • Sleep is absolutely crucial for optimal systemic functioning as well as for your mental and emotional well-being. Lack of sleep makes you prone to infection and will also affect your mood negatively. Moods can also affect the body’s ability to fight off infection as you are less likely to become ill when you’re feeling content, energized and relaxed. If you struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep then we suggest that you try a natural herbal remedy that will help you to relax and fall asleep. Try Serenite Plus from Feelgood Health to help beat that insomnia. Natural sleep remedies are always a better option than conventional medication as they are not associated with negative side effects nor are they addictive in the long run. Children who struggle to settle down and fall asleep can use Du Du Drops or Sleepy Sprinkles instead – a safe homeopathic remedy to help children sleep naturally.

It’s important to understand that the symptoms of the common cold and ‘flu are all a part of your body’s way of expelling an unwanted virus. Coughing, sneezing and runny noses are functional in that they are helping to get rid of viruses! Most people are terrified of the symptoms instead of embracing the fact that their bodies are simply doing their job! Instead of suppressing the symptoms, help them along by using essential oils like Eucalyptus, Juniper Berry or Cedarwood – or our ever-popular Congesto-K KiddieRub to open up little chests and noses.

The best way to support your body in fighting off those nasty germs is to do it naturally by helping your immune system get stronger! That is why we have decided to provide you with a FREE effective and 100% natural homemade cough syrup recipe so that you can honour your body in fighting the good fight! Not only will this DIY cough syrup help to stop coughs, it will also strengthen the immune system too!



Put your organic apple cider vinegar (with the ‘Mother’!), organic raw honey and distilled water in a small bowl and add your ginger and cayenne pepper. Mix well until the ingredients are completely blended together and make sure that there are no lumps. Transfer this mixture into a small glass jar and close the lid. Keep refrigerated. Easy as 1, 2, 3!


Make sure that you take 1 tablespoon in the morning and again before you go to bed, to help you ease into dreamland! Don’t forget to shake the mixture each time before taking your dose. This mixture is also great because it’s safe for children over the age of 1 year’s old (1 teaspoon instead of 1 tablespoon) to use too!

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