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Pet seizures: Tips from the Feelgood Pets Team

Pet seizures: Tips from the Feelgood Pets Team

Worried that your pet may suffer a seizure? Do you know what to look out for? Would you know if your pet had already suffered a seizure? Read what the Feelgood Pets Team has to say and her great tips that every pet owner should know…. 

Pet Seizures: Tips from the Feelgood Pets Team!

 1. What should pet owners know about animal seizures?  
"Pet owners need to know that seizures in dogs and cats occur for different reasons and range in severity and length. A focal motor seizure will cause twitching in the face or limbs and usually lasts a few seconds. Much more dramatic is the generalised seizure (fit or convulsion) that causes sudden muscle contractions, jerked movement, excessive salivation, vomiting or even loss of bladder and/or bowel control. It can last up to a few minutes and is often followed by a period of drowsiness, difficulty walking or seeing or behavioural problems which can last up to 24hrs.

Seizures are caused by a change in electrical current in the brain - which can be caused variety of things including: diseases of the nervous system and the brain itself (epilepsy), an inury to the head, a tumour in the brain, toxic chemicals, poisons, very high fever and even nutrient deficiencies in nursing mothers. Diabetic pets will seizure when their glucose levels drop too low."

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2. What should I do in the home if my pet suffers from seizures?  
The Feelgood Pets team says: "If your pet is prone to seizures a swimming pool is a huge risk for drowning if your pet has a seizure and falls in. Keep the pool covered (and any water that is deep enough to drown in should be kept covered). For identification  rather have your pets micro-chipped as identification tags and collars may be a choking hazard during a seizure. Crating your pet while you are not at home or transporting in the car may be considered. Make a special area for your animal that contains no furniture, with a comfortable blanket laid down and curtains closed. Use baby gates to block off stairs, and pad the bottom of glass sliding doors.

If you have a number of dogs, keep in mind that a dog or cat having a seizure may trigger other dogs to instinctively see the animal experiencing the seizure as ‘injured’ – and may trigger ‘pack’ attack behavior. Always give your pets basic obedience training so that they will respond to you in such a situation. Lastly, keep your vet’s number at hand at all times. 

Please seek medical assistance for your pet if he/she has more than one seizure per month, has changed behaviour in between the seizures (that lasts over 24hrs after the seizure ends) is lethargic, has difficulty in walking or refuses food. Seek urgent veterinary attention in the case of your pet seizuring continuously. Seizures occurring one after each other in a short period of time are to be treated as a medical emergency and your pet needs to be taken to your closest vet immediately. If your pet has only had one seizure and is recovering then do not rush your pet to the vet and stress them out further - this may trigger another seizure. Make sure that your pet is checked by the vet as soon as possible for assessment."

3. What kind of treatments are available for pets with seizures?
The Feelgood Pets team says: "Phenobarbital (an anti-epileptic drug) is commonly used to prevent seizures which are severe or occur frequently. Like all medication, it may come with a risk of side effects such as over-sedation and negative effects on the liver.

Using Immunity & Liver Support regularly (a natural remedy with no side effects) will help the liver cope. If your pet suffers with repeated seizures your vet may treat your pet with intravenous valium or in extreme cases put your pet under anaesthesia in order to stop the abnormal electrical activity that is happening in your pet’s brain."

4. Is there a natural seizure medication for my pet?
The Feelgood Pets team says: "Absolutely. I always tell pet owners that natural medicines can effectively help support seizure control. There is a natural product, EaseSure that has ingredients to limit after-effects of seizures such as drowsiness and clumsiness and prevent over-stimulation of the nervous system, it also helps regulate blood pressure and I would strongly recommend any epileptic pets to be on this remedy. it contains Hyoscyamus - a homeopathic remedy valuable in the acute and long-term treatment of all seizures and tic disorders. 

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5. What can I do to help my pet when it has a seizure?
The Feelgood Pets team says: "Your pet having a seizure is a terrifying experience both for you and your pet, but here are the best tips I would keep in mind: as hard as it may be, remain calm. Do not try to restrain your pet in any way. Move furniture out of the way and tell family members not to approach your pet as it may be aggressive. Because the causes of seizures in pets vary so much, have a full screening run on your pet to rule out causes such as diabetes or a tumour in the brain. Talk to a holistic vet before immunising your pet. Conventional over-vaccination may stress the immune system unnecessarily and negative side effects may occur, these include seizures and other nervous system disease. Your pet’s body is subjected to huge amounts of stress during a seizure. 

*This article is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition, nor replace any advice or a consultation with your vet. If you are concerned, please speak with your vet.

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