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Top 3 Common Digestive Issues in Pets and How to Help

Top 3 Common Digestive Issues in Pets and How to Help

Vomiting? Upset tummy? Does your dog or cat suffer from digestive issues? 

Just as humans are prone to an upset tummy, cramps, bloating, gas or other digestive issues, so are our pets. Particularly during the holiday season, this is also the time when dogs and cats tend to develop more digestive problems when they get their paws on Christmas gravy, stuffing, chocolate, desserts, raisins, grapes even alcohol! Fortunately, most pet digestive problems can be managed at home.

We look at 3 of the most common digestive problems that your pet is likely to develop and how YOU can treat them naturally at home.

  1. Runny tummy

Diarrhea is very common in dogs and cats, who may develop upset stomach or the occasional bout of diarrhea. An occasional bout of diarrhea is usually nothing to be concerned about as it usually resolves on its own and is actually nature’s way of cleansing out the system. Your furry pal may eat something that doesn’t agree with their tummy. The cause could also be a change in food, eating too much or too fast. We all know that our pets will eat the strangest things from plastic, wood, wool as well as little insects! This is why dogs eat grass to cleanse out their tummies when they are not feeling well.

What to look out for if your pet has a runny tummy?

If your pooch or kitty has an upset tummy, you need to be aware of these symptoms:

  • Vomiting
  • Drooling
  • Gas
  • No appetite
  • A tender abdomen
  • Feeling lethargic
  • Temperature
  • Diarrhea

How to treat your pet’s runny tummy at home

Vets recommend that if your dog or cat has a mild upset tummy, you should rest their stomach for at least 12 to 24 hours. This means that you are fasting your pet and you cannot feed them at all.  Not feeding your pet helps to calm their tummy because eating during an upset stomach episode prolongs the discomfort and agony.

It is important that your pet gets enough liquids when he has an upset tummy because he shouldn’t become dehydrated. Make sure that plenty of fresh, clean water is available. Giving your pet ice chips (not large blocks!) also helps if he is not feeling that great and doesn’t want to drink water.

After the fast, feed your dog or cat bland food. A mixture of 1 part skinless, boneless chicken breast boiled to 2 parts boiled white or brown rice. Don’t add any seasoning or oil to the mixture! Feed your pet small portions of the chicken and rice mixture – at least 3 to 4 times days for the next five days.

Gradually include your pet’s normal food with the bland mixture until he is eating normally again.  Adding plain yoghurt to your pet’s food also acts as a probiotic for the digestive system and helps to soothe the gut and promote healthy bacteria. Include a natural remedy such as Feelgood Pets Immunity & Liver Support to strengthen and boost the immune system. This remedy acts as a general tonic for the system and helps with quick recovery after illness.

Remember to keep a close eye on your pet to make sure that his condition doesn’t deteriorate. If your dog or cat doesn’t show improvement after fasting and feeding the bland diet, take him to the vet immediately so that he can receive the appropriate medical care.

For dogs or cats with chronic diarrhea or digestive problems, we recommend our herbal Digestive Support. This remedy acts as an overall tonic for the digestive system. It relieves symptoms of IBS, gastritis, bloating and ulcers and supports digestive functioning. Another useful addition to your pet’s diet is Diatomaceous Earth supplement. Diatomaceous Earth is simply sprinkled onto your pet’s food every day and will help to control worms as well as cleanse and detox the digestive system, contributing to digestive health. It is safe for dogs, cats and even puppies and kittens. An additional bonus of supplementation with Diatomaceous Earth is that it also helps to relieve joint pain and stiffness.

  1. Constipation

Constipation is another common problem in both dogs and cats. If your pet is straining to pass a stool or their stools look quite small or hard, then these could be signs of constipation.

What causes constipation in pets?

There are a number of reasons why pets may become constipated and these include a lack of fibre, dehydration or an enlarged prostate. In some cases, constipation can be an indication of more serious digestive disorders such as a tumour or neurological problems.

How to treat your pet’s constipation at home

In order to ensure that your dog or cat stays regular, make sure that their diet contains enough fibre. Many of the pet foods today lack fibre because they are packed with cheap fillers, additives and preservatives which cause constipation. Choose a 100% natural diet for your dog or cat which is a much healthier alternative to commercial foods. You can also add cooked pumpkin, butternut of squash to your pet's food as a healthy fibre addition to their diet. 

  1. Flatulence

Does your pet regularly release stinky farts? While these gaseous odours are harmless, they can make life at home unbearable!

What causes flatulence in pets?

Flatulence in pets may be due to a number of reasons and these include:

  • a high fat diet
  • a change in food
  • eating spoiled food
  • milk products
  • spices
  • high-fibre products
  • foods that are difficult to digest
  • an inefficient digestive system

How to treat flatulence in your pet at home

It’s not that difficult to treat and manage flatulence in pets. Start by feeding a diet that consists of protein and carbs. Feed smaller meals more frequently and make sure that the food is easily digestible. Encourage your pet to be more active – keeping them moving means less gas and flatulence. Add a natural remedy like Digestive Support which help pets who suffer from chronic digestive conditions such as gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, oesophagitis, IBS, colitis, enteritis, bloating and other chronic digestive disorders.

By knowing what symptoms to look for, will make treating and managing your pet’s digestive problems at home so much easier. Best of all, it’ll save a costly trip to the vet! 

If you have any health-related questions, please contact us or leave a comment below for FREE advice. We always love hearing from you!

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